Økologi-Kongres 2015 - Årets økologi-begivenhed



Session on Grain legumes – for stable and table

Deltagere på Økologi-Kongres 2013

The EcoProtein project confers advantages at all stages of the chain.

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The interest in local production of protein crops for food and feed is increasing due to a demand for guaranteed GM-free, 100 pct. traceable, climate and environmental friendly production with resulting healthy and high quality products. A local production does not rely on imports and world market prices. Grain legumes are valuable in organic production systems due to their self-sufficiency in nitrogen. Local and regional production will be the subject of session D6.


The development of a production of Danish organic protein feed for Danish organic farm animals has been supported by a four year project called “EcoProtein - Danish organic protein for organic farm animals” (2012-2015). The Organic Farming section at SEGES is the organizer of the project which also involves the Faculty of Science and Technology at Aarhus University, a number of private companies and several organic farms. The EcoProtein project is the organizer of the international sessions about grain legumes at the Danish Organic Congress. The aim is to give inspiration and exchange knowledge and experiences across Europe.


The main focus of the EcoProtein project has been Faba bean and to some extent lupine. Faba bean has turned out to be a successful crop in the organic crop rotations. The cultivated area with Faba bean in Denmark has over the project period increased by five times. When introducing a new crop care has to be taken to avoid diseases. Session F8 will deal with the issue of how to avoid diseases.


The ambition of the project was to produce organic protein for animal feed and thereby reduce the extensive import of soya. Different processing steps in the field-to-final-product chain have been tested in order to investigate amino acid composition and the amount of undesirable compounds, which may reduce digestibility or harm the animals. Faba been has proven to be a good protein crop for feeding livestock.


Feeding trials and demonstrations have tested the productivity and quality of milk, eggs and pork after optimising the feeding with processed or non-processed protein crops in organic dairy cattle, finishing pigs and egg-laying hens. In session F7 results and experiences from the EcoProtein project will be presented.


Grain legumes for human consumption are another interesting aspect of grain legume production, that can increase the value of the crop and at the same time provide healthy and vegetarian proteins. Session E2 will give two examples of how grain legumes can be integrated in the human diet.


Further information:
Mrs. Tove Mariegaard Pedersen, Advisor, SEGES
Phone: +45 8740 5492
E-mail: tmp@seges.dk





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